October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I’m emphasizing the importance of education. Again, I’m highlighting a valuable link with hopes that you will visit the site filled with useful information:
So happy to be reminded by you, Ms Sharon, that this is not only BREAST CANCER MONTH but also a time to learn all the ways to do early prevention. I appreciate the link. And I also appreciate all the prevention ideas. Glad to have you in my life to remind me of all the ways to take care of myself.
on October 27, 2021 at 3:30 pm
You’re so welcome! Thank you for the ardent support. Information is power and wellness information is super-empowering.
So happy to be reminded by you, Ms Sharon, that this is not only BREAST CANCER MONTH but also a time to learn all the ways to do early prevention. I appreciate the link. And I also appreciate all the prevention ideas. Glad to have you in my life to remind me of all the ways to take care of myself.
You’re so welcome! Thank you for the ardent support. Information is power and wellness information is super-empowering.